Actionable Annual Analysis.

At TAOS we believe that fast-tracked progression is only driven through personalized insights into your technique. As a result, a core benefit of a TAOS Academy Membership is an annual TAOS Review — a personalized video analysis by a TAOS coach.

The analysis will be broken down into three key sections: forehand, backhand and a foundational pillar.

Forehand Insight.

A TAOS coach will review your forehead surfing and identify the one major aspect of your surfing you need to work on to progress. We’ll be looking to isolate the key element that will give you the biggest breakthrough and will give you the technique needed to fix it.

Backhand Insight.

Similarly, we will look through the backhand footage you send us and pinpoint the biggest blockage to help you unlock your backhand surfing or master that maneuver you have been struggling with.

Foundational Pillar.

Additionally, we will identify your main foundational pillar you need to focus on to achieve real progression with your major areas for development. These core aspects of surfing underpin good surfing both forehand and backhand.

How It Works

  • Step 1: Film Your Waves

    Film up to 2 minutes worth of waves, include both forehand and backhand.

  • Step 2: Upload to Coach Now

    Using the link provided, download the Coach Now and join the TAOS Academy Group and upload.

  • Step 3: Know what to work on

    Use your TAOS Annual Review to guide your surfing over the next 12 months.

“Too many surfers spend years struggling to progress, largely because they don’t know what will help them break through their plateau. Our TAOS Annual Review is designed to help break that cycle for members, we want you to have clear actionable takeaways that will progress your surfing”

— Matt Scorringe


How to film.

If you’re wondering how to film your waves, don’t worry you don’t need professional footage, an iPhone camera is often good enough. We’ve put together a filming guide to make it easy for you to use your TAOS Annual Review, no matter your resources.

Subscribe to get access now.

Every year

✓ Exclusive monthly content
✓ On-demand Surfing Fundamentals course
✓ In-depth analysis
✓ Land-based training programme
✓ 1 x yearly personalised TAOS video review